3rd Trimester 1-to-1

3rd Trimester 1-to-1



The third trimester can often be the time in your pregnancy where you want to start planning for 'the fourth trimester' (those 3 months after giving birth).

In this assessment there will be education of how to prepare physically for labour and birth and what you can expect at each stage. You will also learn what you can expect in the fourth trimester in terms of healing, what is normal and how to prepare for the best healing recovery possible. Taking the time to put this in place whilst you have the headspace is the best advice that someone will ever give you!

There will be education about the nutrition during pregnancy and afterwards how it can improving your healing and recovery at the same time supporting your emotions!

Management and advice of conditions such as Pelvic girdle pain, Diastasis Recti and incontinence will be given (if appropriate)

You will also be taught how to effectively use your pelvic floor muscles in day to day life, making sure that they strengthen as well as relax at the appropriate times.

We will also talk about returning to exercise postnatally, expectations versus reality!

After your assessment you get access to a 1month FREE TRIAl of the Studio Pass Membership Level 1 (worth £18) where you can access a library of Physio Led Pilates Classes to help you strengthen your body during your pregnancy.

2nd Trimester 1-to-1
A 1hr assessment to manage and strengthen your changing body
Training & Nutrition Rolling Programme
A combination of 1:1s and personalised programs.
Mummy MOT Follow Up - 4 Sessions
4 x 45 minute specific follow up treatment
Personalised Nutrition Planning and Support
A rolling programme for tailored support for those looking to build positive nutritional habits and reach their goals
Mummy MOT Follow Up - 1 Session
1 x 45minute specific follow up treatment
Scar Tissue - 4 Follow Up Sessions
Four 45 minute follow up treatment.
Physio Initial Assessment & Treatment
A 1hr detailed history taking, examination and treatment given
Physio Follow Up Treatment
A 45 minute specific follow up treatment session
Scar Tissue - Follow Up Session
1 x 45 minute re assessment of the scar and treatment of MSTR